  • Unfortunately I stayed there only one week anyway I can gave my point of view about the lessons.
    In the most of them the teacher spoke in castellano so I can understand what they were seeing.
    It looks like that the teachers and students have a good relashionship and also for these reason they make the lessons less boring.
    Another thing that I saw is that during the lessons the students put their mobile phone in a locker and if the teacher ask to search something they can take out their computer and search.
    Finally the school start from 8:30a.m. to 15:00 p.m but they have two recreations ad one of Them is half an hour. So they can rest for be more concentrate during the other lessons.
    I liked it very much when we made some groups and completed a table, in which we had to insert words in the different languages.As experience I really liked, I made friends with many people and talked a lot of spanish, I think this types of projects are a great way to practise and speak other languages and learn more about the customs of other countries
  • The experience was wonderful, I enjoyed each moment and my Spanish and French correspondents were super nice! I already miss them! I practiced my Spanish and even my Inglish so it was useful. I hope to do another experience like this.
    It was a great experience to conpscere new people, I had a lot of fun although I was sick 3 days, the family was very welcoming and helpful and I found myself very well. The school was very large and the friends very nice, it was an adventure that I would do again very willingly.
    Me gustó mucho la experiencia y la repetiría otras veces porque por suerte me llevé bien con mi corresponsal que fue muy simpático y también me gustaba ir a colegios aprendiendo diferentes idiomas, además también me gustaba salir por las calles de Vilafranca con los mis compañeros italianos y los españoles. Giovanni
  • Esta experiencia me ha gustado muchísimo, la familia era amable y muy disponible y me he quedado bien con la chica que me ha acogido. Me gustaría mucho repetir una experiencia come esta y espero que tendré esta oportunidad.
  • Las clases fueron muy divertidas y aprendí bastante sobre catalán también. Disfruté mucho trabajando en grupo el último día con gente de diferentes países para poder entender idiomas que nunca había estudiado como el francés.